Second Hand Craft Supply Haul

I'm a big fan of using and purchasing second hand craft supplies. We have some great local places where I get a lot of my stuff at such as Talize, Value Village, BFM, Goodwill, Worth a Second Look.  You can pick up some great grab bags with an interesting mixture of things.  It gives you the opportunity to use new supplies that you would have never picked up at "Micheal's".  An added bonus to helping the planet by reusing and recycling, is that these grab bag don't cost too much.  This grab bag cost my $2.99
Let take a look at what came in the bag.
First are these great bells, 15 little bags in an assortment of styles and sizes. Approx. 142 bells!
I have great project in mind for these, and will post about when I get it done.

Next, are the beads. 10-60" strands of gold tone beads in 4 different sizes and styles.


All the packaged bead came from a bead shop in Arcadia, Florida, Jenefa Arts & Crafts.  As far as I could find, this craft store is no longer in business, and the company that has the address now, has been at that location since 1983.

There is was also about 8 other packages of random color beads as well.


Some baggies of pom poms.


Two really cool items that came in the bag was a carved pink bird button and a sterling silver necklace with 5 blue beads.



I truly recommend heading out to your local thrift store to look for supplies on your next project.


  1. Great idea! Thrifting for craft supplies. I always think about it when I'm there but never do.

  2. This is amazing, so many wonderful pieces! Love the bird button.
    I wish there were thrift stores selling this kind of stuff where I live.

    Thank you for following my blog, I'm following yours back, looks pretty interesting :)


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