Vintage Danish Plastic Jewelry

When I was 8 or 9 my mom gave me a brooch of a pink nylon plastic elephant with a clear rhinestone  eye.  I loved this pin, more than any other piece of jewelry that I had at the time.  Sadly that brooch and the majority of my childhood artifacts were all picked up by a junk collection company a couple of years ago.  The great thing is that I see this brooch for sale on Etsy every once and awhile, so I know I can pick one up when I want it back in my life.

With that memory as the inspiration for this post. Over the past 4 years I have been able to find a few Buch + Deichmann pins, thanks to "Talize"(a second hand shop down the street) I have found them in 3 different styles, Dolphin, Mask, and the Bird.  The bird is my new favorite.

 Here is some information on the company that use to make these gem.  B+D( Buch + Deichmann)started up in Denmark in the early 70s.  Buch + Deichmann made jewelry till the late 80's and now just make eyeglasses and watches. They also made bracelets, necklaces and hair accessories.  I remember wearing this exact one in my hair as a kid.


They had a designer who's name was Ketty Dalsgaard.  She was inspired by the shiny rings from the moors of fishing boats to create a line of brightly-colored nylon plastic bracelets. I never had any of these but now I want them so bad!  Her collection as had nylon plastic earrings and chokers.


Aren't they are all so pretty!!


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