Fun time Gardening

Summer(spring that feels like summer) time I find it difficult to focus on blogging and crafting.  I can't justify spending that much of my free time indoors.  Now that I work in retail I have to be inside, unlike the pass 4 years where I worked at a Garden Center and was outside everyday from March till October. But what I will try to do this year is take as many pictures of the time I spend outdoors.  From gardening(which do on a weekly basis) to family functions, and events around town.  So here is a few pics of me cleaning our deck and planting some of our veggies.

Habanero Peppers

Patio and Black Cherry Tomatoes & Red Leaf Lettuce
 Last year we grew 2 varieties of Amaranth Plants to see if we could use them for cooking, but then I started reading that some types of the plants are not edible and others are, then another web page said that all types are....i don't we really didn't eat any.  But they are beautiful plants, and do extremely well on our deck.  I have to do a bit more research on the amaranth plant to know which kind we can eat so I decided to still have some little variety of them for show.

Our other veggie planter we are growing Chili Peppers, Toy Choi, Cilantro, Basil.  And in our herb ones, we have Camomile, Mint, Peppermint, Chives, Sorrel, Clover(for "Yetti" my guinea pig).

Then I put together some planters with Coleus, Coreopsis, Lilies, Creeping Thyme,Creeping Jenny, some Succulents, a mini rose.

 I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather and has a lovely weekend.



  1. Your plants look so pretty! I love the spring and summer and agree, it is hard to do work indoors or blog or craft or clean. I am forcing myself to do even the smallest bit of work.

    1. Thanks Lesley, too bad my Choi is all gone. Who knew earwigs love Choi as much as I do.


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