This week we picked up a new board game: Scat Cat. Ever heard of it? I never seen this game before but we couldn't resits the cats on the cover. It's a Tomy/Parker bros. game, no date on it. What a cool cover! The game looks really simple to play. For ages 5 and up. The instruction are easy to follow and are written on the bottom of the box. "Players choose a crazy little cat, place it at the base of the slide. Someone says "go", and the action begins. Each player hits his lever and tries to make his cat scat to the top before anyone else. Be careful though, if you hit the lever too hard and your cat falls off or goes right over the top, you must start again from the bottom. The cats keep scatting while the little mice keep score. First one to reach the top 4 times wins!" Sounds fun! Can't wait to play. Favorite cat on the cover, "the gangster". Have a great weekend everyone!!
Two Saturdays ago Tamara and I ventured to the Niagara Region. This was the last long distant trip Tamara will be taking for a awhile. I feel privileged that she chose to spend it with me. We also wanted to go see my nephew's girlfriend Roller Derby team play in St.Cathrine. The bout did not start till 5:30 so hung out in Niagara, mostly at the Casino. Tamara is over 8 months pregnant and walking around outside, sweating did not appeal to her. We got to play a bit of the slots and have the buffet for dinner. It was a good time. Here is my Outfit of the Day! My new red belt from Talize for 4 bucks, makes me feel like a Super Hero. And I have to be honest, I love my Cork wedge heel red shoes but they hurt my feet like a bitch, so I quickly traded them in for flats. Roller Derby So this was my first time at a live roller derby bout. I have to say that I loved it and I am so damn interest in learning more and possibly joining a local t...
I can't believe it's Friday already! This week has gone by too fast. I guess it always does when your on holidays. Bob and I took the week off just to hang out, clean and unpack. Also to go on day trips. Monday we drove to Woodstock(Ontario). Why Woodstock? Well we have been there a couple of times for The Nostalgia shows. We always drove by a bunch of thrift stores and second hand shop. Plus last year they opens an antique shop call "One of a Kind" which was still so new when we went that it looked like a big mess. Our first stops were some of the shop on the downtown strip, which included a consignment store, a comic shop, a bookstore and a gaming store. Bob found a few things, me - nothing. Then we hit the Bible for Missions. What a plethora of stuffs. We must of spent at least 3 hours in there. So much good stuff. I love sewing supplies and patterns and found some nice vintage fabrics and p...
very cute