Craft Corner Clean-Up
Tonight I have to do some serious tiding up. Especially in my craft corner, it's been my dumping ground for everything I don't have a home for. My table has layers upon layers of stuff ready to landslide right off onto one my poor unsuspecting kitties below:( Plus I need to take down my decorations and pack up my lights.
These past couple weeks I've picked some really cute knick knacks while out thrifting that need a proper place to shine.
Lets hope I don't get distracted, which I honestly always do. It's one of my worse traits, that and procrastinating. So bad for leaving everything till the last moment to do.
If I do indeed get my area done I will post some before and after shots, so I better get to work. Till later.
Mommy and baby lamb |
Lets hope I don't get distracted, which I honestly always do. It's one of my worse traits, that and procrastinating. So bad for leaving everything till the last moment to do.
If I do indeed get my area done I will post some before and after shots, so I better get to work. Till later.
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