Thrifting with my Baby

One of my favorite things in life is spending time with my sweetheart.  Thrifting with him is at the top of my list of stuff we do together.  We do it all the time, and I love it!  We were out at a second hand shop this Monday and found some great things, some for the shop & some goodies for us.  Take a peek of some of our new treasures!
Miller Studio Chalk ware Wall Decor-1972

Super cute Basset Hound puzzle, he's wearing a beret! cute

Pretty in Pink
Cute lamb planter from Japan

Acorn salt & pepper shaker

I found another Dean book illustrated by the twin sisters I love, Janet & Anne Grahame Johnstone.  This one is really cute, it's about a Weather Family "Seven Rainbow Tales" 1969.  The illustrations are great!

Next Project : making Cake Pops with Tamara, using the book by Bakerella.  Can't wait it will be so much fun!
Till next time.


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